Tournament Handicap Rules

Beginning in 2003, and in response to member concerns regarding “exceptional” tournament scores being shot by some Men’s Club members, the Board developed a procedure for establishing Tournament Indexes for all of our members.  Tournament Indexes are determined using the following guidelines and updated in 2019:

  • An index will be calculated using the same formula used by the USGA when determining  a golfer’s regular index ( 96% of the average of your 10 best scores of the last 20 rounds; delete all numbers after the tenths digit)

  • Due to a limited number of Men’s Club tournaments, a member’s  T.I. will be calculated using his  best 2 of the last 5  Men’s Club Tournament scores

  • Members will play to their monthly NCGA index in all tournaments

  • Each month, a member’s  NCGA index will be compared to his TI – If the TI is one or more index points below the NCGA index, the member will play to their TI in all tournaments that month.

  • Use of the TI will continue for the member until the difference between a player’s NCGA index and TI becomes less than one point

  • Tournament scores older than 48 months will be deleted from the TI database

I wanted to share with you a few important pieces of information and reminders about maintaining your proper handicap.

- We ask that you post your score no later than 24 hours after completing the round.  You can also post them online by going to our home page or

- Most penalties are assessed due to the following three reasons.

1. Not posting scores after the round.  You must post all scores whether you played at Oakhurst or away. You are also responsible for posting your own scores for all Men's Club-sponsored tournaments. 

2. Posting the wrong score.  Please double-check your math before posting your score.

3. Failure to adjust your maximum score. Please pay close attention to "blow up" holes to see whether you shot more than the maximum allowed strokes per hole. See below for details.

- Odds of shooting "Lights out".
Below are the odds of shooting various scores vs. your handicap, according to USGA. This odds table are derived after observing millions of golfers across the country. Remember, your handicap represents your "potential" rather than actual ability to shoot your handicap. For instance, 16 handicap player should be shooting net par every 5.2 rounds.  Same 16 handicap player shooting net 5 under par should happen once every 92 rounds of play.  That would be once every two to three years for most of us. If you are lucky enough to shoot 5 under 2,3 times a year, you can expect your index to drop quickly and if you shoot those scores during our tournament, you will earn an exclusive membership to Club T.I. at no charge.  (Handicap Committee has the responsibility and right to adjust any of its member's handicap if it is deemed incorrect)

3. Tournament Index (TI)

Keeping track of tournament scores separately has served us well in keeping a level playing field.

TI is assessed when the average index of your 2 lowest rounds out of 5 during Men's Club-sponsored tournaments is 1 point lower than your GHIN index. Tournament scores are kept chronologically and the oldest score gets dropped when you play a new tournament.  By definition, if you play only a few tournaments a year and shoot "lights out", you will be on the club TI for a long time.

You can also slide into T.I. when your non-tournament scores rise meaningfully above your tournament scores.

The most important responsibility of the Handicap Chair is to ensure a level playing field for all of its members. I will do my best to ensure what Larry Sheppard has built at Oakhurst continues to thrive. In order for me to accomplish this, I need help from all of you to keep the game we love, honest and fair for all. 

Please pay attention to the individual tournament entry deadlines, we will try to accommodate as many players as possible. Also and more importantly if you have to drop out of a tournament you need to give us three days notice or you will still be charged for the entry fee. So that means you need to contact a board member or the proshop no later than Wednesday 8:00am before a Saturday tournament. In tournaments that are not individual events you will also be charged the entry fees for the other players you effected and will not be eligible for the tournament after that one.